Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Simply Healing: My New Line of Healing Jewelry

I’ve gone a while without posting anything jewelry related. I wonder if anyone’s beginning to think I don’t make jewelry anymore?

(I know… doubtful, right?)

Well, I have. I’ve been making simpler pieces, though… not the extraordinarily colorful pieces like Sherbert Supreme… which has sold, by the way! While I adore that piece, and am so glad it’s happy in its new home… I’ve turned to a quieter, more centered side for the moment to create some jewelry with healing stones.

The healing jewelry thing is a bandwagon that I’ve been watching for a while now. Not watching closely, mind you—more like, from the sidelines, peeking over the fence and shielding my eyes from the sun. “Over there I think I see this ‘healing jewelry’ stuff”. That sort of “watching”. 

But healing jewelry is far from a new concept. Certain stones have been worn for literally thousands of years to derive and nurture specific feelings.

For many years, I’ve felt the power of stones when I wear them. Certain stones—certain types of stone as well as just certain pieces (this piece of kyanite versus that other one, for example) can give off a strong feeling.

In other words, they make themselves known.

Whenever I buy stones, I much prefer to buy them in person if I can. It’s hard to know if the stones will have good or bad “juju” until you hold them in your hands.

The first stone I experienced this with was carnelian. I found a pendant and found myself wearing it when I was having a particularly rough day and needed to get back on center. As it turns out, carnelian is one of the pillar healing stones. I didn’t know that at the time, I just felt like wearing it whenever I needed a little healing.

The next stone? Kyanite. This one’s still one of my very favorites, and I often find myself creating outfits just so I can wear kyanite—especially when I need to be level-headed or restore balance in my mind.

And? That’s what kyanite does… it restores balance.

I have this amazingly gorgeous charoite pendant that my husband bought me for Christmas a couple of years ago. This particular pendant really, really struck me when I came across it in a lapidary artist's booth at a craft show. I picked it up and instantly knew it had history, and I instantly wanted to know more about it. 

When I wear that pendant, I inevitably feel a pureness in my heart and I can freely tap into the power within my soul. I’m not sure whether or not it’s psychological, but I found myself gravitating towards wearing that pendant when I needed to feel powerful and particularly strong, but also from a place of purity and honesty.

So, when I looked up the meaning and discovered that it’s a stone you should wear when you want to feel powerful yet pure… well, yeah. That made sense!

I think you get the idea. I don’t know how much stock to put into all of it, I just try to go with it and create combinations that make sense, especially combinations of stones that I've personally found to be very powerful.

The thing is... for most healing stones to really pack a punch, they need to be of a relatively good size and quality. The problem I find with a lot of healing jewelry is that the stones are so dang small, I’m not sure how much good they’ll really do.

And yet, I didn’t want to create a healing line with elaborate designs, because that’s not what healing jewelry is really about.

(Besides, I already create enough jewelry with fairly elaborate designs.)

So, I went the opposite route. I went simple. It feels right to me, that healing jewelry should be simple. It should feel like you’re simplifying things… thus the name of the line: Simply Healing. They’re attractive clusters of stones that are of high enough quality and large enough size that they’ll be impactful, yet they’re also on lightweight silk cord (most of them) and can be worn with anything in your wardrobe.

Now, my question for you is… what type of healing jewelry are you looking for? I’d like to create some necklaces that will help you achieve a specific feeling, but to best do that, I’d really like your input.

So... I need your help! 

What would you like to feel when you're wearing healing jewelry? 

Hope? Trust? Love? Passion? Creativity? Please tell me in comments! 

And, by the way, I have a few of the first batch left, for sale on Etsy. Many, many more to come!


  1. I would like to feel calm and at peace when wearing healing jewelry. These are beautiful, LL, truly lovely!

  2. Something that would help me be at peace (less anxious, less worrying--I work on this constantly).

    Creativity, yes!


    This are lovely! LOL you know me, non-jewelry wearer? I'd wear these.

  3. loved. power. strength. acceptance. peace. tranquil. centered. fearless. courageous.

    LL~ your jewelry is so beautiful. I love your style. And its been a great blessing to watch you grow and blossom in it and in your life these last few years...

    You truly are a beautiful person.

  4. I just stumbled upon your work today - it's beautiful. I find myself looking through the simply healing line and loving every piece! :)

    The things I think I'd like to feel while wearing healing jewelry...

