I struggled with the display a little bit this time around. It took me a long time to figure out how I wanted to use this 4 foot table that I bought last year. I'd never used it in the house before. I really liked a setup that I did in 2008... but it was still too crowded and people still got overwhelmed with all the sparklies sitting so close together. I wanted to find an effective way to spread everything out and utilize the extra space afforded by the table.
So, this is the setup... this is the dining area. See... nice and spread out! I was able to get some height while also setting everything out pretty evenly... and definitely not crowded. Mission accomplished!
Two other tables... the coffee table and the other table (which is actually 2 TV trays)...
And this is how it looked, from the hallway. You can kinda see the dog in the background. She liked hiding under the tables, since they had tablecloths!

The turnout was nice! Thank you to everyone who came to the show. It was a blast, and the day really flew by. I forgot that I usually had the show until 5pm, but I had set this one till 6pm... and I do think I'll go back to that 5pm time in the future.
I hope to do more shows this year-- craft shows that is... as well as at least one more home show... probably towards the fall. I have to get my schedule figured out, with the potential for work plus volunteering for Pathways, since that takes up weekend time.
I have so much more to post! I have a lot of pictures to post... and a couple of special posts, and I think I'm going to have a sale on my Etsy site soon, which I'll definitely post here.
Your beautiful jewelry in the setting it deserves, it looks great!